The Man Cave: How It Can Help Your Physical and Mental Health

The Man Cave: How It Can Help Your Physical and Mental Health
If you find yourself feeling irritable, tired, and having a negative mindset towards yourself or those around you, you may be experiencing the effects of burnout.

Burnout gets often associated with excessive amounts of stress,  career-related factors being one of the most common causes. Major health issues, like depression, heart disease, and even some forms of cancer are all trademarks of burnout, which often also hinders relationships and personal connections.

Creating a relaxing space in your home to unwind at the end of a long workday becomes then paramount. A space like this can help both mental and physical health, and show improvement in your personal and professional life as well. One interior design trend that has made it easy to create a retreat to relax and unwind is the man cave.

Below we have helpful insights into different elements you can bring into your man cave that can help contribute to a healthier, and more energized you.

[tweet_box design="box_8"]A space like this can help both mental and physical health, and show improvement in your personal and professional life as well.[/tweet_box]

Feng Shui and Color Scheme

A warm and calming atmosphere may seem as easy as having a comfortable seat and your favorite sports teams memorabilia decorating the walls, but the way you design your space has a significant impact on the way you feel.

The concept of feng shui is meant to help create a space that feels right but this, of course, is subjective to each individual. With this in mind, find elements of design that make you feel at ease or relaxed. The change can be as simple as having plenty of natural light, decluttering your space, or ensuring there is healthy air quality. Look into air purifiers to cleanse the air of harmful allergens, especially if you want your man cave to be in the basement or a small space with limited air flow.

The colors you introduce into your space play a significant role as well, so choose a color scheme that incorporates calming hues like blue, green, or warm browns. These colors have a calming effect on the eyes and mind, and slow mental activity, relieving stress.

If you want your space dedicated to energetic gatherings, or if it has limited natural light, bring in brighter colors that promote positivity and excitement like reds or yellows. Once you have your color scheme picked out, add personal touches and keepsakes to make that space reflect your interests, and feel like your own.

Supportive and Comfy Seating

After you design your man cave, it’s time to find the perfect seating and furnishings to fill it for yourself and any prospective guests. Take inventory of pieces you may already own, and to put feng shui into practice, discard anything you no longer need or want. Research ways to donate gently used items, or look into self-storage options if your man cave has monopolized storage space.

Make a list of needs and wants once you declutter, and tackle needs first. If you lack comfortable seating, look into pieces that offer proper support to alleviate any aches and pains, and invest in sizable couches or lounge pieces for guests to relax on.

Modern interior design

Being mindful about the fabrics and materials of your seating can help to reduce stress as well. Easy-to-clean pieces will take the worry out of spilled messes and stains, and allow you to feel at ease when entertaining.

With durability in mind, look for pieces that will last through wear and tear, in particular when investing in higher-quality pieces.

Healthy Snacking

A healthy diet translates to a healthy mind and body , but when entertaining or just having a few snacks on your own, you can sometimes hinder good eating habits. If you’re thinking of adding a mini fridge to your man cave, take into consideration the types of foods and drinks that will fill its chilly shelves.

Try to avoid sugary drinks like soda and other artificially flavored drinks. Purchase a filtered water pitcher instead of plastic water bottles to limit plastic use, and make freshly squeezed juices like orange juice or lemonade made with organic fruits and veggies.

Healthy Foods

These naturally sweet beverages are healthier alternatives that offer necessary vitamins and nutrients our bodies need to function correctly. Be sure to stray away from fried snacks and foods as well, because these directly contribute to higher levels of depression, and fatigue, accompanied by severe health effects like diabetes and heart disease. Scour sites like Pinterest for healthy alternatives, especially when entertaining or throwing sports get-togethers.

If you want to add a bar into your man cave, stock it with lower calorie beers like Yuengling Light Lager or Michelob Ultra. Look for beverages low in salt as well, or options that are produced using organic ingredients. That way you can enjoy a cold drink with your friends without feeling guilty!

Get Active


Exercise is shown to improve mood and have a positive effect on mental and physical health. If you are a health and wellness enthusiast, and you use working out as your way of unwinding, include training equipment and free weights in your man cave. This space is meant to work for you and benefit your overall health, so building a dynamic wellness space that reflects your fitness interests will help to stay healthy and fit both mentally and physically.

Studies show that engaging in 150 minutes of cardio weekly, and twice-a-week weight training practices can help you to reap the benefits of healthy exercise. These limited hours are perfect for even the busiest of schedules, and if you carve out an area of your man cave for this sole purpose, you’ll be more likely to feel motivated and develop a routine.

Benches and cardio equipment that can be easily broken down and stored are an excellent option for saving room as well. If you prefer yoga practices and meditation, you can also incorporate this equipment into your man cave. Meditation is a great way to relax the mind and develop a happier and balanced self.

In order to sustain and nurture a harmonious state of mind, apart from developing mindful practices, you can create your own zen space by adding fresh plants and essential oils diffusers. Experimenting with different aromas or topical therapies can always add that extra touch to a perfect and calming ambiance.
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