Crossfit Kitsilano Baseline Throwdown

Crossfit Kitsilano Baseline Throwdown
On Sunday July 17, 2011 members from Crossfit Kitsilano came together to complete three (yes three!) Crossfit WOD's (workouts of the day).  As a follow-up to their baseline testing from 6 weeks ago to see how much they have progressed in such a short matter of time.

Loads of prizes, great food, awesome camaraderie, good tunes and super positive vibes to match... I'm happy that I was able to hang and partake in the fun.

WOD 1: 20 box jumps, run 1km, 20 box jumps for time

My time to complete was 5:38.

WOD 2: 15 wall balls, 500 m row (5 rounds for time)

My time to complete 13:47

WOD 3: 100 burpees for time

My time to complete was 7:37 (burpees are not my strongest movement)

And special note: every single person's times improved! Nice work everybody... and thanks again Fynn for hosting such a great event!

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