For a good time, don't call "Nancy"

For a good time, don't call "Nancy"
[caption id="attachment_3148" align="alignright" width="280" caption="Squeezing out the last rep of Nancy"] [/caption]

Nancy.   Need I say more?  How can one little woman reek so much havoc on my body?  Huh?

Now before you jump to conclusions and wonder what I'm talking about, I'm simply referring to one of the CrossFit ladies.  She's a down and dirty Crossfit Workout of the Day that leaves you wishing you had skipped out on class when you see her name on the blackboard.

Today, we had a run-in.  And I'm all the stronger because of it...

The Workout:  "Nancy" (5 rounds for time)

  • 400 meter run

  • 15 x 95lbs Overhead Squat (make sure to get full depth on every rep)

My time was 15:08... was shooting for sub-15 so I'll take this one and blame it on yesterday's heavy squat cleans.  ;-)

[caption id="attachment_3149" align="aligncenter" width="386" caption="Thanks Nancy... you are #1 in my heart. (not!)"] [/caption]

Well, what can I say, the women of Crossfit take my breath away.  Literally.  So what you waiting for, give Nancy a call if you are looking for a fun time!
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