All the king's men

All the king's men
[caption id="attachment_4355" align="alignleft" width="259" caption="Loving my RealXtreme Rx shorts and tees - check them out online here"][/caption]

Between my hip, ankle and mid-back, I'm feeling a lot like Humpty-Dumpty these days and no matter what the King's men do, there's no putting this body back together again.  A week ago Saturday I found myself going against my better judgement (so what's new?) and competing in the Gorilla Games at CrossFit Amped in Bellevue, Washington.  The box is amazingly unique - a once busy Cadillac dealership has now become a kick-butt CrossFit box complete with anything you can imagine a CrossFit box would need.

It must have been the energy in the box that just got me all jazzed up or that I had a handful of friends there to cheer me on...  And those who know me realize this isn't anything new, its unfortunately just how I'm wired.  I managed to squeak out 25th place overall after 3 events (click here for a list of WOD's) and luckily didn't qualify for the 4th and last workout of the day.  I know that physically I couldn't have handled it even if I wanted to.  But for what I did manage to get done, I loved every minute of it!

And a very special thanks to the Real Xtreme Rx crew (Jay & Adam) - appreciate the support and I'm loving the new WOD shorts and tees.

These days I'm feeling 35 years young, but as a true glutton for punishment, my age will never be an excuse.  I love the sport of CrossFit and don't blame it for my injuries because truthfully, I'm the only one to blame.

So with a week and a bit since competing at the Gorilla Games, here's how my training has looked over the past 8 days:

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday...  Hot Yoga (doing wonders for my back, hip and ankle)

Thursday off day

Friday:  WOD with friends at CrossFit BC (video below)

Saturday / Sunday off

Monday WOD at CrossFit BC

Tuesday... well, I haven't decided what's on my white board yet.  How about you?

Injuries be gone!
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