Squat Snatch we meet again

Squat Snatch we meet again
Just a quick post on tonight's workout at CrossFit BC.  The Squat Snatch.  Not one of my best movements but I have to admit I'm really starting to like it.  (and I wonder if it has something to do with my new Nike Romaleos? Is it the shoes ?)

[caption id="attachment_5431" align="aligncenter" width="280" caption="I love my shoes!"] [/caption]

My previous pair of lifting shoes (Pendlay's) bit the dust several weeks ago so I've only had a handful of training sessions with my Rom's.  But I truly do LOVE them!  I highly recommend them to anyone considering a pair of lifting shoes.  They're more money than many of the other choices in the marketplace, but well worth it in my opinion.

Beauty was that I felt like I could have gone heavier.  Weird considering I haven't really done much for the past 3 weeks due to injuries and sickness... but I'll take it any day.

What type of shoes do you train with?

Warm-up:  Dowel work and mobility stretches

Tech: 3 x 3 for skill/warm-up

  • 3 x 3 Snatch High Pull (75, 95, 115 lbs)

  • 3 x 3 Snatch Balance (75, 95, 115 lbs)

  • 3 x 3 Squat Snatch (75, 95, 115 lbs)

Workout:  Squat Snatch

  • 3 x 135 lbs

  • 3 x 145 lbs

  • 3 x 155 lbs

  • 2 x 165 lbs

  • 1 x 175 lbs

  • 1 x 185 lbs

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