Muscle ups and Snatches are the bane of my existence

Muscle ups and Snatches are the bane of my existence
Hard work spotlights the character of people: some turn up their sleeves, some turn up their noses, and some don't turn up at all ~ Sam Ewing

Muscle ups and Snatches are the bane of my existence!  Well, at least they were up to a few weeks ago.  For the past couple weeks these two seemingly separate movements have been put into my programming over and over... thankfully to my advantage.  Today I actually felt that I was coming together with both movements and gaining a confidence I've never had before... excited to see what the next 4 weeks will bring and I know I can expect some PR's very soon.

PM:  Studeo55

A)  Muscle-ups:  15 minutes of work

Focusing on transition for multiple reps.

B)  Snatch:  20 minutes of work

Focusing on full squat and getting under the bar fast... worked my weights up to 175lbs until my right knee started acting up.

C)  WOD:  12 minute AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible)

  • 8 x 95lbs Push-press

  • 10 x Hand-release push-ups

  • 12 x 32kg Kettlebell swings

I just managed to eke out the last rep of my 8th round to round up my total at 8 rounds.

Check out the below pic of some of the new colors and wall graphics just installed at Studeo55.  Looking hot!

studeo 55 13122012
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