Staying motivated is a challenge at times

Staying motivated is a challenge at times

Motivation, is(defined by Psychology.About.comthe" process that initiates, guides and maintains goal-oriented behaviors. Motivation is what causes us to act ."

"It involves the biological, emotional, social and cognitive forces that activate behavior."

In our everyday lives it is typically meant to describe why we do what we do.   As I've always maintained, motivation can't be bought in a store, nor is it something forced on oneself or others... motivation is a choice to act.  This begs the question, with the decision put into action, what is it that drives us to stay the course and keep moving forward no matter the outcome?

It's this last question that truly impacts me most.  We all have bad days, those days I'd rather stick my head under the pillow and sleep until tomorrow.  There's days when I don't want to train; I don't want to go to work; or I don't want to move forward with any of my commitments.  But when these moments happen, I remember my children, my wife, my family and friends, my co-workers, MY WHY and then every "don't", "wouldn't", "shouldn't", "maybe tomorrow", "next time", and all other excuses disappear without a trace and all I'm left with is my decision to put action to my goals.

What motivates you?

... is it bacon that motivates you? LOL.

To be honest with you the last two days of workouts I didn't want to do them... but I pushed myself and squeezed them in... and I feel great for doing so, even though when there were a million other excuses in my head telling me "why I shouldn't"... choose to act, then do it!

[caption id="attachment_7697" align="alignright" width="288"]Bacon motivates everyone doesn't it?Bacon motivates everyone doesn't it?[/caption]

PM:  Fitness Town Burnaby (12-18-2012)

A) 5 x 1 Squat Clean and Jerk (used my alternate leg - felt really weird!)

My loading:   185, 195, 205, 215, 225

B) 3 x 8 Bulgarian Split Squat

My loading: 8 x 135 lbs, 8 x 135, 8 x 135

C) 3 x 8 Front Squats (Slightly below my 8 RM)

My loading:   8 x 185 lbs, 8 x 205 lbs, 8 x 215 lbs

PM:  Studeo55 (12-19-2012)

Dynamic Warmup (12 minutes)

WOD:  18 min AMRAP

  • 4 HSPU (with kip)

  • 8 Toes to Bar

  • 18 Alternating Jumping Lunges

My total was 11 rounds plus 10 reps.

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