The first WOD post-Christmas is always the hardest workout

The first WOD post-Christmas is always the hardest workout
Post-Christmas workouts are brutal for the most part.  Compound the effect of over-eating with being in bed sick for almost 2 and a 1/2 days, and the last thing on my mind was going in to do a WOD today... and you know me, that is OF COURSE the best and sometimes most obvious time to go.

... so off I went to Studeo55 to complete the below 3 part workout.  (between you and me, thank goodness it's over, LOL)

Question:  How was your first workout, post-Christmas gluttony? Be honest.


PM:  Studeo55 WOD

A) 5 x 1 Squat Snatch (get 5 successful lifts in)

My loads:   135 lbs / 155 lbs / 165 lbs / 175 lbs / 185 lbs x 3 fails / 175 lbs

B) 5 minute AMRAP

  • 5 chest to bar pullups

  • 10 ring dips

  • 30 double unders


Rest 2 min, repeat 5 min AMRAP.


Rest 2 min, repeat 5 min AMRAP.

My totals:

Round # 1 - 4 rounds

Round # 2 - 3 rounds plus 5 reps

Round # 3 - 2 rounds plus 15 reps

C) 10 min AMRAP

  • 10 Toes to Bar

  • 15 OH Squat - 95lbs

I completed 5 rounds on the nose ... grip strength was shot and shoulders... hello jello! LOL!

Feels great to be up and moving again.
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