Carbs Are Killing You: Why Eating Fat Doesn't Make You Fat

Carbs Are Killing You:  Why Eating Fat Doesn't Make You Fat
I often joke about my love of bacon and all things meat-related.  But all joking aside, there is many a reason why I eat certain foods and am not concerned about the fat intake in my diet.   To further my point, I came across an amazing infographic from ColumnFiveMedia.com that explains perfectly why fats have gotten a bad reputation for making people gain weight.  To see why " Carbs are killing you! Why eating fat doesn't make you fat" read on...

"Carbs are Killing You!" Highlights include:

  1. Eating fat doesn't actually make us fat. It’s the insulin cycle, triggered by eating carbohydrates.

  2. The easily-digestible carbs like refined flour, soda, and potatoes are the worst offenders.

  3. For weight-loss, a low-carb diet is a lot more effective than a low-fat, high-carb one.


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