The Fork in the Road of Life: The Audience has chosen

The Fork in the Road of Life: The Audience has chosen

Three and a half years ago I made a decision which forever impacted my life...

...and the lives of those closest to me.  The choice I made was to stop drinking alcoholic beverages and I'm proud to say I haven't had a drink since.  Before you jump to conclusions or hypothesize about the "why" behind my actions, let me share a few things with you.  I was never a compulsive drinker or an everyday drinker; I wasn't a "bad drunk" or for that matter even a "good drunk", but what I was most of all was unhappy.  And so I found myself at a fork in the road that was my life.  I was faced with a choice: do I choose to continue doing what I was doing or do I choose to make a change?

Alcohol to me was like drugs to an anesthesiologist - it was my numbing agent.  It was a crutch I used all too often to escape the responsibilities of life.  Life (so I thought) was hard.  It was easier to uncork a bottle of wine or twist-off of a cap from a bottle of beer.  I was addicted to the "buzz" and "haze" that alcohol sheathed me within.  Like a safety blanket once belonging to my daughter, booze was becoming something that I believed I needed to calm myself.

I made a decision one day and made it publicly known to all my family, friends and co-workers.  It was both a hard and awesome decision but one I will forever be grateful for making.  At times it can be tough dealing with the stresses in life, but knowing that I feel them for everything that they are is far better than the numbness that used to be my norm.

So why did I decide to share this with you in a blog post?  I am provided an opportunity to write and share about a new reality TV show.  The premise of the show is simple in concept, but extremely dynamic in possibilities.   Imagine for 1 week of your life you were followed around by " The Audience" – a group of 50 ordinary, insightful people from diverse backgrounds, whose sole purpose was to help you with making one of the toughest, most significant choices of your life. " The Audience" puts their heads together, debates the dilemma, and comes up with the best possible solution… the wisdom of the crowd.  At the end of the week, 'The Audience' presents its considered, collective, and thoughtful advice to the person that should help them move forward and make a positive decision about their dilemma.


The Audience Canada TV Show


What is "The Audience"?

The Audience  is a transformative, caring and compassionate television series.   Each one-hour episode focuses on an individual or family who is struggling with a life-changing dilemma and is at a crossroads in their life.  The inspiration for the show is the modern trend of crowd sourcing.  Every day, millions of users on Twitter and Facebook consult their family, friends & followers for advice.  Many of our major decisions are played out online. The Audience brings the concept of social networking to television and explores the question: Can the  wisdom of the crowd  change a person’s life for the better?

The Audience Canada

While lying in bed tonight, think back on all the forks in the road of your life.  All the times when you chose to go left instead of right; wondering about the "who", "what", "when" and "where" things may be today had the choices of yesterday been different.  And while thinking back, remember these words:

"Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all." ~ Helen Keller

If given the choice to do whatever YOU wanted, what would you CHOOSE to do? Share your comments below.


Maybe this is just the first step you need?

If this tweaks your interest at all, even just an inkling, apply for your spot on The Audience at  info@theaudiencecanada.ca and join the conversation about finding happiness via their Facebook page

And remember, even if you think your decision isn’t a big one, someone else might!  If you're at a fork in the road, it's time to ACT and make a CHOICE.

[toggle title="Just a few of the tough choices" state="close" ]

  • Should I join the family business?

  • Should I sell the family business?

  • Should we downsize to simplify life?

  • Should we relocate for better schools/closer to work/better lifestyle?

  • Should we get married? Should we call off our wedding?

  • Should we kick out our adult child that is still living with us?

  • Should I move out of my parents home?

  • Should I home-school my child?

  • Should I be a stay-at-home dad?

  • Should I place my elderly parent in care or move them into my home?

  • Should I sell it all and take off on an extended adventure?



"Just so you know, I have been compensated to share my ideas on this topic. Sometimes it is in the form of products, or services or even money... But here's the thing; I won't  share anything with you that I don't fully support. It doesn't matter what it is, or how much they are willing to give me, if I don't believe in it, It won't be on my site. Seriously. You'll just have to trust me on this." ~ Moose
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