Some of the Best Places in Vancouver to Walk, Jog and Run

Some of the Best Places in Vancouver to Walk, Jog and Run
What started as a simple question from the Drex Radio Show on CKNW , turned into a crowd-sourcing exercise in finding the best places to walk, jog and run in the Vancouver Lower Mainland.

Through Twitter and Facebook, I received a number of comments and insights. I've taken those peer recommendations and have shared below along with a few reasons why you might want to consider walking, jogging and running as a great form of staying healthy and fit.

PS - did I miss anything? Leave a note in the comment section below the post with any of your favorite places to get outside and run.

[toggle title="7 Reasons Why Running is Going to Make You Awesomer" state="open"]

7 Reasons Why Running will make you AWESOME

1. Exercise without borders

Anywhere you go, your feet go with you. Pack a trusty pair of shoes and the world is your oyster (well, it's a bit of a cliche... but I totally get what they're saying!)

2. Inexpensive

The investment in a good pair of shoes and some running gear is minimal. Compared to other team sports and pricey memberships, a running lifestyle is not expensive.

3. Get healthy

In a recent study , it was concluded that running is beneficial and helps people stay healthier! Duh!

4. Variety is king

Running is so much more than just a workout. Did you know there's  8 basic types of running ? The Recovery Run, Base Run, Long Run, Progression Run, Fartlek, Hill Repeats, Tempo Run and Interval Training... wow! Never be bored again!

5. Live Long and prosper

"Running, even 5 to 10 min per day and at slow speeds ( <6 miles/h), is associated with markedly reduced risks of death from all causes and cardiovascular disease. This study may motivate healthy but sedentary people to begin and continue running for substantial and attainable mortality benefits." (Note: runners had 19% lower risk of all-cause mortality compared with non-runners)

6. Back to basics – locomotion

"Human beings have locomotive skills, such as walking, running, jumping, balancing, crawling, climbing, or swimming." The best way to reinforce and improve on our ability to "move naturally" is to do just that - the activities that reinforce good movement patterns...

7. Weight Management

Runner's World Magazine shares 4 ways that running is great for weight "release" - running works even when you're at rest, it is time efficient, convenient and like a drug, is very addictive.


Some of the Best Places in the Vancouver Lower Mainland to Walk, Jog and Run

Road Options

Trail Walking, Jogging and Running (Your Knees will Thank You)

[caption id="attachment_18295" align="aligncenter" width="920"] Stanley Park Map City of Vancouver has a ton of resources and free maps to help you explore the trail systems[/caption]

A few awesome Walk, Jog and Running Resources

[caption id="attachment_18296" align="aligncenter" width="900"] Can't go wrong with trails in Vancouver Can't go wrong with trails in Vancouver[/caption]

Learn to Walk, Jog and Run Clinics

Be sure to add your [highlight color="yellow"] RECOMMENDATIONS to the comment section below[/highlight].
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