5 Promises To Make to Yourself on a Monday

5 Promises To Make to Yourself on a Monday
"Oh, no! How is it already Monday... again?!" 

Many people greet every Monday morning with similar words, in low spirits, and with great disappointment. Since it's the start of the work week for most of us, Monday is often been the bitterest enemy of those who aren't ready to let go of their weekends. Unfortunately or luckily (depending on your perspective) there is no avoiding it - and so we psych ourselves up to get out of bed, get ready for our week and go to work. While this might be the final goodbye to the comfort and happiness of our weekend, Monday could also be a chance to start something new or change something around us. We just need to know how to change our mindset and take advantage of this opportunity.

Monday is a good first day to begin the important work to keep certain promises we make to ourselves. It could be the great step that helps us change our life.

Here are five of the most common (and positive) promises we make at the start of the working week.

5 Promises to Keep on a Monday

Promise #1 - I will go to the gym at least two or three times a week

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This is a really difficult promise for most and nearly impossible for some. Almost everyone - both men and women - makes a promise to themselves at least a few times in their lifetime (and especially after holidays) to get in shape. We usually say that 'I'll start Monday!'.  But then  Monday rolls around and the choice stares us in the face, begging the question -- is today the day to keep my promise to myself? The choice is always up to us. 

Promise #2 - I will finish what I start

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We often start to do something with the full intention of finishing it. We focus for a while but then get busy as our attention wanes to the 'newness' of another task. We promise to return to complete what we've started, but it often remains unfinished… Don't allow yourself to be distracted. If you start a project, a task, etc., finish it before beginning something new. For example, if you start to read a great book, don't pick up another one to start until you've finished it.

Promise #3 - I won't eat junk food AND I will take a packed lunch to work every day

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There's too much fast food around us these days - it's easy and often more convenient than taking food from home. A lot of people promise not to eat junk, but it's so tempting. To keep this promise, (well, technically it's TWO promises!) planning is very important. Shopping for - and preparing healthy meals on Sunday afternoons or evenings can be very useful. Batch your lunch prep all at once and make enough to feed you for the week. Then, when Monday rolls around you have your food ready to go for the week and will be able to stave off those fast food lunches.

Promise #4 - I won't try to control everything

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You have to accept you can't control everything and everyone around you. Trying to always be in control can make life unnecessarily difficult and stressful. People have their own individual challenges and personal "stuff" but you don't need to try and fix it (or them). Relax, concentrate on you, your reaction to life and your own way of thinking.

Promise #5 - I will realize all my dreams, goals and desires

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Everyone has dreams, desires, and goals to achieve… Try to get the most out of life. Start on Monday and begin the plan to realize your first dream or goal and see how your life will change.

Not everyone manages to keep the promises we make to ourselves. We should spend some time asking why? If we discover what's holding us back, we can remove those things from our lives. And make a change for the better.

6 Main Reasons That Stop Us From Keeping Promises

  1. Laziness.

  2. Passivity.

  3. Fear of something new.

  4. Fear of changing.

  5. Influence of other people.

  6. Reluctance to change your life.

If you want to realize your promises, you have to remove the negative factors that get in the way. Just remember you should welcome Monday with great enthusiasm, tremendous hope and a tank full of energy. Hopefully, these inspiring Monday quotes will help you start the week in high spirits, with great energy and ready for amazing changes.

Hopefully, these inspiring Monday quotes will help you start the week in high spirits, with great energy and ready for amazing changes.

11 Quotes to Help Make Your Mondays a Little More Awesome

[tweet_box design="box_10"]They Call Us Dreamers But We Are The Ones Who Never Sleep[/tweet_box]

[tweet_box design="box_10"]Strive For Progress Not Perfection[/tweet_box]

[tweet_box design="box_10"]You Are Your Only Limit[/tweet_box]

[tweet_box design="box_10"]A Negative Mind Will Never Give You A Positive Life[/tweet_box]

[tweet_box design="box_10"]The Best Way to Get Things Done Is to Simply Begin[/tweet_box]

[tweet_box design="box_10"]Don't Talk, Just Act. Don't Say, Just Show. Don't Promise, Just Prove[/tweet_box]

[tweet_box design="box_10"]Life Is Like A Cup Of Coffee… It Is ALL In How You Make It…[/tweet_box]

[tweet_box design="box_10"]If You'll Never Try You'll Never Know[/tweet_box]

[tweet_box design="box_10"]Never Say “I Can't” Always Say “I'll Try”[/tweet_box]

[tweet_box design="box_10"]Rise Up and Attack The Day With Enthusiasm[/tweet_box]

[tweet_box design="box_10"]It is A Good Day to Have A Good Day[/tweet_box]

Has your perspective about Mondays changed?

I hope your motivation, desire and confidence has changed and that you can see Monday as a wonderful opportunity to begin fresh, after a restful weekend. Sometimes you just need the right encouragement to start doing something new that fundamentally changes your life. Creating new, empowering habits reduce negative factors that can stop your progress towards achieving your goals.

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Author Bio: Nancy Cooper

Nancy Cooper is a freelance writer http://sweetytextmessages.com Maintaining interpersonal relationships emphasized the importance of her writing. Nancy believes that moral reasoning is the most significant factor in decision-making. She focuses on the value of motivation and inspiration while acknowledging that different people have different views.

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