Hill Runs (not a love of my life)

Hill Runs (not a love of my life)
Needless to say but today's crossfit workout was less than fun.  But the best thing about it was when I finished it.  There is an odd sense of accomplishment gained when you persevere through a grueling workout.  I have to hand it to  Kelly "The Machine" Frankson, she sure knows how to craft a mean-ass workout.

So to start, Kermit coached us through the below workout:


Tabata Pushups (my score was 5!)  Don't ask me how that happened, I'm still trying to figure it out.

75% Max Dead-lifts for 5 sets of 5 reps:

I did 5 x 275lbs

The Workout - 5 rounds for time of the following:

75 m up-hill sprint

10 x 40lbs Dumbbells thrusters

15 x squats

50 m d0wn-hill run

My time on the workout was 9:50 (but to my defense, I ran up the hill for a 6th time before yelling "time!"... my legs were throbbing and my heart rate was about 185 BPM at the end, so you can imagine I was a bit out of it.  It was a great 10 minute blast and definitely a workout I would recommend to my worst of enemies.  Thank you, Machine!  ;-)

[caption id="attachment_59" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="I made the board tonight!"] I made the board tonight! [/caption]

Here's a cool video describing running and training techniques.

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