To Yoga or not to Yoga? That is the question

To Yoga or not to Yoga? That is the question
I now have 4 weeks of Bikram's yoga classes under my belt.  How am I feeling?  Amazing!  My flexibility has never been better, my core strength has gone through the roof, and my speed and endurance has improved drastically.  Who would have thought that sitting in a hot box of a room and sweating for 90 minutes while trying to touch my toes would be so empowering?  LOL ;-)

So doing all this yoga has been great.  But I'm still having a heck of a time with 1 pose in particular - the "camel" pose (see photo below).

Every single time I go into this pose I get the sensation that I'm going to lose my lunch, dinner or whatever else happens to be in my stomach at that time.  Have any of you reading this done yoga before?  If so, any thoughts on why this one particular pose is giving me so much grief?  suggestions are welcome... just post to comments.

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="213" caption="The Camel Pose: my least favorite pose in class"]My least favourite pose in class[/caption]

Here's a video I came across on YouTube detailing benefits of the Camel Pose and a short explanation of its various benefits:

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