Hot Yoga then crossfit... may be not a good idea back-to-back

Hot Yoga then crossfit... may be not a good idea back-to-back
[caption id="attachment_847" align="alignleft" width="240" caption="Picture of me today... 195lbs, lean & mean thanks to yoga!"][/caption]

After 7 weeks of no weight training or Crossfit, I've been going a bit stir crazy.  however, that being said I know that my back is thanking me for it.  I've been avidly going to Bikram's Yoga 3 or 4 times per week for the last 3 weeks and I'm feeling great.  So great as a matter of fact I felt that I could do a track workout after sweating it out for 90 minutes in 40 degree heat... bad idea!

My workout at the track consisted of the following :
800 m Run, 20 double unders then 20 push-ups;
400 m run, 40 double unders then 40 push-ups;
followed up with a 200m sprint.

Total time to complete was 8:39 --- ouch!

I was still dehydrated from the yoga and the running was not good after a 7-week hiatus.  But whatever, I had fun anyways.  LOL!

And you know what, the moral of the story, maybe doing yoga then sprints right afterward isn't such a good idea. (duh!)
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