Squat cleans and sprints... fun times!

Squat cleans and sprints... fun times!
Juts a quick update tonight.  Great workout at Crossfit Kitsilano with some amazing people.

Warm-up:  3 minutes

Double-unders, and every time you miss one, you have to do 3 burpees.  This is a challenging little warm-up.  Give it a try.

Workout:  4 Rounds of Partner vs Partner

  • 200m Run

  • Max squat cleans 135 (reps)

Here's how it works.  Your partner runs a 200 meter run, and you have however long it takes them to complete their run to do as many squat cleans as you can.  Then you switch. Your score is the total number of squat cleans you can complete in 4 rounds...

I managed to squeak out 43 squat cleans.   Not joke of a lie, my legs are still feeling pumped (almost 6 hours later).

7th Annual Fitness Town golf tournament tomorrow - super stoked!  Now to bed.

Goodnight all!
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