4 Steps to eliminating negative self talk (and it works)

4 Steps to eliminating negative self talk (and it works)
At times the biggest battle we face each day is the one warred between our ears.  Self-doubt, negative self-talk and low self-opinion are habitual beliefs that plague everyone from time to time… but like any thought, recognize that it’s just that - a THOUGHT.  If you can have a negative thought, you can just as easily have a positive one.

Im good enough Whether the glass is half-full or half-empty, you are right.  It’s all perspective.  If you believe the negative and reinforce it with action, then negative it shall be.  But - and this is a big BUT - if you follow the next 4 steps every time a negative thought pops in your head, I think you’ll be happy with the outcome.

4 steps for getting rid of negative thoughts

  1. Acknowledge the thought as being “negative”

  2. Say "thank you" for visiting negative, Mr. Poopy pants but here’s the door and G.T.F.O!

  3. And in the words of Stuart Smalley, repeat to yourself 3 times: " I’m Good Enough , I’m Smart Enough , and Doggone It, People Like Me!"

  4. Repeat 1 to 3 as needed until all negative thoughts are gone!

If you don’t have a big honking smile on your face after following these 4 steps, email me.  These 4 steps work great for me… let me know how it works for you next time Mr. Poopy pants comes a knocking for a visit.

Now get out there and have a freaking AWESOME day today!
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