The Tao of CrossFit: It's just a Way of Life

The Tao of CrossFit: It's just a Way of Life
That doesn't mean that the goals we have don't count. They do, mostly because they cause us to go through the process and it's the process that makes us wise, happy, or whatever. If we do things in the wrong sort of way, it makes us miserable, angry, confused, and things like that. The goal has to be right for us, and it has to be beneficial, in order to ensure a beneficial process. But aside from that, it's really the process that's important.”  ~  Benjamin Hoff , The Tao of Pooh

People who start CrossFit notice big benefits right away...

Crossfit as a way of life

Fitness and a healthy lifestyle requires a commitment. Take the time at the beginning of each week to sit down with your schedule and fit in regular CrossFit classes. If your box has an online scheduler, go ahead and register for the classes that will be most convenient for you. Add them into your planner and stick to them as you would any other commitment. In order to make lasting changes, fitness must become part of your routine.Often, the average athlete will get stronger and faster, while losing some body fat. Athletes feel more energetic and sleep better at night. So how can you maximize your CrossFit experience so you can improve your overall quality of life?

Schedule Regular Class Times

Also, if you start going to a regular class time, get to know the other people at the box. Everyone goes through the same workout, so you already have something to talk about! CrossFit is a great way to meet new people who are also making positive changes in their life.

Eat Quality Foods

Food is the foundation for a healthy lifestyle. Becoming more active with more exercise, such as CrossFit, can help you understand the power of good food choices. CrossFit preaches the benefits of the paleo diet (meat, veggies, some fruits, nuts, and seeds). By focusing more on good, whole foods and less on processed foods, your body will feel better and perform better during the workout. Try eliminating sugar, grains, and dairy for a set period of time (2-4 weeks), then add them in slowly to see how your body responds. You may notice food sensitivities you didn't know you had.

Make Goals and Work Towards Them

CrossFit has so many different kinds of movements and skills. We can't all be good at everything! In order to get better, we must work on our weaknesses. Whether we're working towards handstand push-ups or kipping pull-ups, or looking to increase our overall strength, there's always another goal ahead in CrossFit. Work with a coach to map out a plan to make those goals. You should have short-term and long-term goals in mind, with the right steps and skills in place to reach them.

article_picture_2Be Kind to Yourself

Many new CrossFit athletes see gains quickly. They get faster and stronger, just like they thought. But eventually, many athletes plateau. They stop seeing big gains and maybe can't get the numbers they had before. Real life catches up with them. They start expecting more. When this happens, it's good to remember that it's all part of the process.

Have Fun!

It's true. Sometimes we can get so focused on our goals or our PRs that we forget the best part about CrossFit - fun! Where else do you get to swing from bars, lift heavy weights, flip tires, run with sandbags, do handstands ....all in the same hour? Take you goals seriously, but have fun with it.

Enjoy Your Rest Days

Rest days are a crucial part to your success in CrossFit. Your body needs time to recover from all the hard work you're doing in the box. Your muscles, and your mind, need time to regroup. Rest days are great for relaxing with family or catching up with team sports. Lighter exercising like jogging or biking is great for rest days as well. Whatever you do, give those muscles time to heal so you're ready to get when you get back in the box.

CrossFit can help improve your quality of life in so many ways. You'll gain muscle and build strength. You'll join a community of others working toward similar goals. And you'll gain valuable knowledge about food and performance. If you approach your workouts the same as you approach your other commitments, CrossFit will seamlessly become a part of your healthy lifestyle. With adequate rest, you'll be well on your way to reaching your goals and staying fit for life.


VitalyI'm an entrepreneur, programmer, CrossFit athlete and Founder of CrossFit shoes review website.
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