How did the Moose is Loose blog begin? [Video Interview]

How did the Moose is Loose blog begin? [Video Interview]
Feedburner---Moose-logoSince 2008 I've been actively blogging on the Moose is Loose.  My topics vary but gravitate to health, fitness, motivation and daily inspirations, tips and tricks for maintaining a "fun"ctionally fit life.   But do you know the why and how I started my blog?  

Recently I was asked to speak on a blogger panel for #YVRBloggers at Hootsuite.  The topics I'm discussing are health and fitness blogging.  As a lead-up to the event, the following Google Hangout interview was conducted by Ricky Shetty, the panel moderator, of DaddyBlogger.ca

Enjoy learning a bit about the history of the Moose is Loose.

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