I get FITTER with the help of my friends: The June #PropelFit Challenge (Part Deux)

I get FITTER with the help of my friends: The June #PropelFit Challenge (Part Deux)
“No way! I’m not working out today!”-- A couple Sunday’s ago, that was my position and I was sticking to it. It was Father’s Day - MY day to do nothing. I had run the Spartan Race the day before and I felt I deserved a day of pure relaxation. Well, that’s what I thought…

Everyone needs an Accounta-buddy or two

Me and my girls - Moose is LooseAccountability is a powerful motivator when used in the right context. My friends know that I’m a big believer in “accounta-buddies” - people who hold you to reaching your goals. A goal that’s never spoken aloud or written down is just a dream, so be loud, proud and ask your friends for their support and encouragement when striving to reach that big, hairy, audacious goal. And on Father’s Day, I got a taste of my own medicine… thanks Chappy!

After finishing the Spartan Race , my whole family loaded up in our car and made for Vancouver Island. We’re headed to the Chapman’s - close friends of ours who live in a small, hip community called Sydney, which is a quick ferry-hop away from the mainland of BC.

Ian and I first met at our CrossFit Level 1 certification course and have been close friends ever since. I was sure I had met my doppelgänger when we first met, as the more we talked, the more we realized how much we had in common. We both married our best friends, our wives Christie and Maren share many similarities, on top of that we each are a father to two daughters, all of whom are within a couple of years of one another. And to top if off, our stories are so similar it’s scary - we've both made significant lifestyle changes that forever changed us, our families and the communities we touch…

The Makings of the Best Father’s Day EVER!

I get up at 5am every day. That’s just how I’m wired. But, on Father’s Day I decided that it would be my day to sleep in, or so I thought. Below is how I woke up Sunday morning… I think you’ll get a laugh out of this.

I had to laugh though, Chappy knew I was a sound sleeper, but I don’t think him or the rest of our clans realized how SOUND of a sleeper I am. The video doesn’t do it justice, that compressor was loud! LOL. After a breakfast of eggs, yams, bacon and bacon and bacon, we got to chatting about the workout that we’d do later that day. (To be perfectly honest, I was trying to figure out a way to get out of it - but Chappy wouldn’t allow it - he’s a good friend)

Eventually, two o’clock rolled around and I couldn't fight it anymore. Chappy was persistent. He was right after all, I am THE GUY who’s always pushing people to take that first step and get comfortable with feeling uncomfortable. Encouraging others to move their bodies with purpose even when they don’t want to, just because I know that a body in motion is easier to keep in motion… he was right and I needed to hear that. So what did we do next?

WOD ON, baby! WOD ON!

The Accounta-buddy WOD (Workout of the Day) a la Chappy

With my Propel water in hand, feeling uber hydrated and refreshed, it was time to allow Coach Chappy to take over and set the tone. That’s what friends are for, right?

#PropelFit Accountabuddy WOD

Our workout was pretty straight forward, a 15 minute AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible) of :

  • 3 x 185 lbs Power Cleans followed by

  • 3 Rounds of Cindy (each round consists of 5 x pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 15 x body-weight squats)


After finishing our workout, laying in a puddle of sweat-drenched accomplishment, I thanked Chappy. The Nike slogan “Just do it” came to mind, but more so than that was our ability to say we “Just Did It!” There’s something to be said about pushing through and doing the things we know we ought to do, especially at those times when we would rather be doing anything else but that one thing. How many times in your life have you put off a workout, a commitment to yourself or a friend, or that big project because you just didn't feel like it? Maybe it’s time for an accounta-buddy or two to hold you to it. To push you to get it done like Chappy did with me.

One things for sure, with friends like the Chapmans, I think we’d all be a bit fitter than we were yesterday.

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