Adrenal Gland Fatigue: Does It Exist (and if so, what you can do about it)

Adrenal Gland Fatigue: Does It Exist (and if so, what you can do about it)
Exhausted African American Doctor Rubbing His EyesThe term adrenal gland fatigue is referenced about with increasing frequency, with supporters proudly hailing the cause, and believing it is the underlying reason for many health issues. However, most medical experts remain extremely skeptical, with perhaps good reason.

What is adrenal gland fatigue?

The term adrenal gland fatigue was first coined back in 1998 by Dr. James Wilson and involves the belief that the adrenal glands function below par when the body is dealing with prolonged, extreme stress.

The adrenal glands are walnut-sized and triangular-shaped, and sit on top of the kidneys. Although the glands are most commonly associated with the production of adrenaline, they also play an integral part in many other crucial body processes, including regulating salt and water balances, and controlling blood pressure.

The Adrenal Gland

The theory (as yet unproven) behind adrenal gland fatigue is that people experiencing high levels of stress are constantly in a state of  “fight or flight”, which puts pressure on the adrenal glands, then causing a deficiency in the hormones (most notably cortisol) that are essential for us to feel well. Advocates believe that when the adrenal glands are working inefficiently, sufferers will experience constant exhaustion and generally feel under the weather, without any other recognized underlying cause.

What causes adrenal fatigue, and who is susceptible?

Alternative practitioners suggest that anyone is susceptible to getting adrenal gland fatigue, at any point during their lives, even if they have previously been fit and healthy. It is believed that a crisis or serious event in someone’s life can trigger adrenal fatigue, but that people with chronic respiratory infections, particular lifestyles (poor sleep hygiene, an unbalanced diet, or substance abuse), or are extremely stressed, are more predisposed to the condition.

Angry businesswoman on the phoneTop 10 Symptoms of Adrenal Gland Fatigue

The symptoms identified are extensive, and vary greatly, but might include:

  1. Low blood pressure

  2. Inability to lose weight, or a sudden, unexplained loss

  3. Extreme fatigue, even when getting plenty of sleep

  4. Tiredness throughout the day, but becoming more awake in the early evening

  5. Loss of body hair

  6. Slower than normal recuperation after illness

  7. A need for stimulants such as coffee and energy drinks

  8. A craving for salty or sweet foods

  9. A general sense of feeling rundown or unable to cope

  10. Aches and pains with no underlying cause

How is adrenal fatigue diagnosed and treated?

Alternative medicine practitioners usually diagnose the condition with extensive saliva tests (and in some cases, blood tests) that gauge hormone levels, particularly cortisol and thyroid. There is also a range of accompanying evaluation methods, including measuring neurotransmitters, and testing the contraction of the iris (people with the condition allegedly have pupils that dilate quicker).

Proponents of adrenal fatigue believe that the condition is easily treated by making necessary lifestyle changes. Modifications recommended include establishing a healthy sleep pattern (achieving at least eight hours every night), eating regularly and healthily, taking vitamins and minerals, light exercise, and limiting stressors where possible.

So, why all the skepticism around Adrenal Gland fatigue?

On paper, the theory that inefficient adrenal function could be the cause of extreme fatigue, and a whole host of related symptoms is not that far-fetched. Indeed, many patients considered to have the condition feel better after the recommendations of alternative medicine specialists.

Portrait of doctor woman showing see no evil gesture isolated on black

However, a great many medical professionals have serious problems with the theory behind adrenal gland fatigue. Although experts agree that prolonged bouts of stress enlarge the adrenal glands, which in turn adversely affects how the body’s organs and processes work, they feel that there is no grey area about adrenal function: the glands either work, or they don’t. Considering this, there would be no such thing as glands that were functioning, just not at most levels.

Despite overwhelming skepticism, many doctors do accept that there is a grain of truth in the theory, but are quick to point out that the symptoms experienced by those allegedly suffering with adrenal gland fatigue can have a multitude of other causes, and are simply too wishy-washy to have any real firm standing. They are also not convinced by the methods of testing for the condition, stating that saliva tests alone would not accurately highlight adrenal problems.

Should I Believe the hype about Adrenal Gland fatigue?

Feeling unwell and exhausted without any clear underlying cause is frustrating, and if you have unexplained fatigue or any of the other symptoms associated with adrenal gland fatigue, it would be foolish not to explore things further. Adhering to the advice of incorporating healthy lifestyle choices is never a bad idea, and will undoubtedly help you feel better, whether adrenal fatigue is the issue, or not. However, as with any unfounded medical theory, just be on your guard: magic potions or supplements are unlikely to work, so should be avoided.
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