My Interview on the Vancouver Real Podcast was a lesson in FUN

My Interview on the Vancouver Real Podcast was a lesson in FUN
Vancouver Real PodCast logoRecently I had the honor to connect with the Zaremba brothers, Mike and Andy, on their podcast Vancouver Real. Vancouver Real is a spin-off podcast encouraged and inspired by London Real , a podcast created and hosted by Brian Rose produced out of London, England.

I have to give mad props to Mike and Andy. Over the years I've had a lot of opportunities to appear on podcasts but nothing to date has been as much fun as my Vancouver Real experience. Their nonchalant, conversational-style approach to conducting the interview is a welcome change from the things as they are in traditional interviews. I think you'll get a sense of that when you give them a listen - you can subscribe via iTunes or Stitcher to keep up to date on future episodes.

When time permits, take the opportunity to browse through past interviews, which include the likes of Dave Asprey , Pete Twist , Sean Lavery , Mark Haden  and Dr. Gabor Mate just to name a few.

Vancouver Real Interview with me, Dai "Moose" Manuel


What is the " Vancouver Real " podcast all about?

Vancouver Real is a weekly podcast new form of media. We believe that there are too many hidden agendas on mainstream forms of media (TV and radio) and felt that Vancouver could handle some "realness". With episodes taking the form of conversations between engaged guests and hosts the 1-2 hour format allows for a deeper level of authenticity to shine through with the topics and people involved. With traditional forms of media requiring massive budgets, multiple people and corporations imposing various agendas only allowing for 2-8 minutes to be aired before a commercial is required does not allow for any meaningful message or idea be fully explored, critiqued and added to. Welcome to "The Art of Conversation".
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