Operation Christmas Child is on... time to make an impact!

Operation Christmas Child is on... time to make an impact!
Is giving back just about kindness? Is it so we can feel good about ourselves? Or is it because we just can’t help but give back?

Do you know what giving does to your brain?

‘Tis the season of giving, not just to our families but to the people who would benefit greatly from some holiday cheer. And although the season might make us feel warm and fuzzy about giving back, there may be a scientific reason behind it. [tweet_box float="right" width="50%" design="box_10"]“The degree of loving is measured by the degree of giving.” - Edwin Louis Cole[/tweet_box]

A 2013 study found that humans are hardwired to give back. Scientists used MRI machines to see how the brain reacted when the subject made a donation. The scans revealed that when the subject made the decision to make a donation to a charity of their choice, the part of the brain that controls cravings for food and intimacy lit up.

Operation Christmas Child is on... time to make an impact!

It isn’t just about feeling good. Giving back also creates community and social consciousness. Take the annual Operation Christmas Child campaign. The campaign has helped millions of children around the world. Shoeboxes are filled with everyday items and toys for boys and girls of all ages around the world. These boxes are then shipped off to over 100 countries. The campaign also helps provide clean drinking water, medical supplies and more. This year, OCC is also introducing packing a box online (which might be easier given our busy lives).

[caption id="attachment_20757" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Operation Christmas Child - fill a shoe box! Operation Christmas Child is an amazing cause and one worth supporting... click here to learn how you can take part[/caption]

Samaritan’s Purse says there are children who received the boxes years ago who have since migrated to North America. These teens, men and women now pack their own boxes to give back to others in need.

It’s a cycle that keeps on giving.

[caption id="attachment_20756" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Those smiles warm the heart, don't they? Join OCC today and make an impact Those smiles warm the heart, don't they? Join OCC today and make an impact[/caption]

Because one person helped this child, this child is now giving back to another child. It becomes a cycle based on giving and community, which not only makes us feel good but enriches the world around us.

[tweet_box design="box_12"]“No one has ever become poor by giving” - Anne Frank[/tweet_box]
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