How to Avoid Stretch Marks When Losing Weight

How to Avoid Stretch Marks When Losing Weight
Months of hard work at the gym and now you are nearer to having that toned and muscled ‘wow’ body, your pride, and everyone’s envy!

Wide fluctuations in weight over a short period of time can cause both women and men to get stretch marks. Although not everyone gets stretch marks when losing weight, genetics can play a role. Skin type is one of the factors, as some people have more elastic skin than others. Stretch marks generally affect the stomach and thighs, but they may also appear on the breasts, arms, and buttocks. While there are no health risks associated with having stretch marks, there are some things you can do to help prevent them from developing as you lose weight.

Stretch marks are scars that can appear anywhere on the body that fat is stored, such as in the stomach, upper arms, thighs, breasts, and buttocks. Bodybuilding, intense physical activity, childbirth and rapid weight loss are all causes of stretch marks. The marks start at the very root of your skin, which makes them extremely hard to remove. There are several things you can do to quickly get rid of stretch marks, including laser surgery, creams, and vitamins.

It’s worth the pain, you reason: the rigorous regimen, the weights, the bodybuilding, the whole works. Everything is paying off well. You are doing great. But as you admire your muscular body in the mirror, something unfanciful catches your eye. Red or purple lines streak across your chest, starting from the edge of the armpits, across the biceps, making their way across your pectorals.

If you are a woman you will see them across your abdomen, arms, back, breasts, buttocks, hips, and inner thighs.

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The Top 6 Home Remedies to Get rid of Stretch Marks


If you are a yo-yo dieter or gain and lose weight frequently, your skin is more likely to develop stretch marks. Normal skin usually is elastic and able to bounce back into place due to collagen, the protein that forms your skin’s connective tissue. When it is overstretched or forced to grow rapidly, collagen production is disrupted, causing stretch marks. If you maintain a steady, healthy weight, your skin is less likely to develop stretch marks.

And they aren’t exactly beautiful to look at, not flattering at all. You are alarmed.

Your instructor says they are stretch marks, and they are common to everyone. Hence, there is nothing to worry about. Creams help, you learn. And you are off to buy revitol stretch mark cream or some other cream in your attempt to rid your body of those unsightly stretch marks.

But, we say, a better-informed approach is the best approach to skin care.

Know your skin and how stretch marks occur

Skin is the precious protective cover of your entire body. It is elastic by nature. As the muscles grow, the skin stretches to accommodate the growth, just as a balloon stretches to accommodate air. This stretching happens in the middle layer of the skin, the dermis. When the dermis is stretched too taut it gets damaged and this shows as red or purple marks. With time the marks fade but, like scars, they will not disappear by themselves. Surgical procedures are required to eradicate them. Creams and topical applications, however, can reduce their prominence.

10 Ways You Can Avoid Stretch Marks While Losing Weight

Stretch marks are not health risks but it is wiser to consult with a dermatologist for expert advice on the best solution for permanent removal. These simple tips below will also help alleviate stretch marks as you carry on bodybuilding and weightlifting.

1. Hydrate your skin.

Dehydrated skin cells will invite stretch marks. And the one mighty solution to keep your skin cells hydrated and supple is to drink plenty of water during the day. Men need about 3.7 liters of water a day, while women need 2.7 litters

Start drinking 2 to 3 liters of water per day

2. Lose weight gradually.

As the skin shrinks it loses its elasticity, especially in cases of rapid weight loss. You do not want to strain your skin as you take off excess pounds. Loss of collagen fibers in the dermis is what causes stretch marks to show through the top layer of skin.

3. Moisturise your body.

Moisture softens your skin, keeps it elastic, and prevents stretch marks from developing. It is best to moisturize after a shower when the pores of the body are open and absorb more moisture. Before moisturizing, brush your skin first with a small-bristled brush to exfoliate it and improve circulation.\

People often say that motivation doesn't last quote zig ziglar

4. Include foods rich in protein, vitamins C and E and zinc in your diet.

These nutrients stimulate collagen production, which can help prevent stretch marks. Individuals in their 40s and 50s are less likely to develop stretch marks. The reason is that by midlife a person’s skin begins to thin and lose its elasticity as collagen in the outer and middle layers of the skin breaks down.

5. Keep your skin well hydrated.

Drink plenty of water to keep skin soft and supple so that stretch marks are less likely to form. Dry skin has less elasticity.

[caption id="attachment_16042" align="aligncenter" width="383"]Propel_Water_what_does_it_do_for_youAs if you needed a reason to stay hydrated, see what water is responsible for in your body[/caption]

6. Use an over-the-counter topical moisturizing cream or lotion specially formulated to prevent stretch marks.

Apply to the skin twice each day. If you are really worried about stretch marks forming, talk to your doctor or dermatologist about prescription retinoid creams. These vitamin A derivatives work by making the outer layer of the skin thinner. This allows the cream to get through to the dermis, where it increases collagen production.

7. Do light stretching exercises as part of your daily workout routine.

This improves circulation and skin elasticity. Exercise also tightens and tones muscles. In addition to stretching, resistance and strength training exercises build lean muscle mass as you lose body fat. Muscle helps hold the skin in place.

get your stretch on

8. Eat right, eat healthily.

Eat foods rich in vitamins and nutrients that are known to promote skin health and elasticity, e.g., vitamin E, A, C, zinc and Omega-3 fatty acids. Include milk, citrus fruits, berries, sweet potatoes, carrots, flaxseeds, pumpkin seeds, walnuts, salmon etc.

9. Train progressively.

Don’t be in a hurry to build muscles. If you attain muscle mass fast the skin will stretch as fast too. Build up slowly and gradually.

8 Reasons Why High Intensity Interval Training Makes Life More Awesome

10. Include Vitamin C in your diet.

Collagen plays a role in keeping your skin strong and elastic. It helps reduce the appearance of wrinkles, but it may also be important for preventing stretch marks. Vitamin C is an important nutrient for the development of collagen. Vitamin C can be found in many fruits and vegetables. Citrus fruits, such as oranges and lemons, are especially good sources of vitamin C.

All the doctor ordered was some sun and vitamin sea

And, finally, which cream to use?

The array of brands available in the market makes choosing the right cream a daunting task. However, before buying, consciously learn and know the product’s information and credentials. Among the popular brands, Revitol is one that wears a trustworthy and credible label. For a totally revitalized skin, one of your choices might be to buy revitol stretch mark cream. It is clinically tested and safe to use, it is affordable and might just be the right one for you.

It is important to remember that treating stretch marks will be effective only with time, patience and regular skincare. Eating a healthy diet and maintaining a regular exercise schedule with minimal variations in weight loss.

Author Bio:

Terry Carrico is a freelance writer and a mom of 2 from LA. A beauty enthusiast at heart, she shares diverse perspectives on the skincare industry in the US. She is a very big follower of revitol stretch mark cream. This is one of the most used stretch mark removal cream and shows desired results instantly. With her write-ups, she gives women of all ages the inside scoop on skin care trends, cellulite solutions, skin brightening treatments and more.

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