How to Keep Your Skin Young and Vibrant with Detoxification

How to Keep Your Skin Young and Vibrant with Detoxification
Skin is the most significant external organ of the body, which plays an important part in your appearance as well as your general health. Any systemic or local disorder is reflected first on the skin in the form of blisters, inflammation, rashes, etc. You are exposed to a large variety of toxins throughout the day, in the form of various forms of pollution, damaging sunlight, chemicals, and other poisonous entity.

[caption id="attachment_23712" align="aligncenter" width="600"]Do you know your skin type? Make sure to use products accordingly...[/caption]

Taking care of your skin health is directly related to removal of all these causes, and the best way to do is to undergo detoxification. In this article, we explore...

The 6 Most Essential Benefits of Detoxification (for keeping your skin young and healthy)

1) Minimize signs of aging

As you grow old, it is natural to show signs of aging. The effects seem to be more augmented on the skin as it is the most visible part of your body. It is natural to have a desire to look younger and minimize the signs of aging. Identifying the cause and arriving at a solution for this are going to help to achieve this. As you age, your skin cells start dying at a faster rate than they can be replaced. The impurities and dirt, which accumulate on the skin, prevent these dead cells to be eliminated as well.

These degenerated cells give the perception of your skin being dry and unhealthy, and the smoothness disappears. This leads to the aging look. Due to the intense inflammation, collagen also starts breaking down and this phenomenon leads to the wrinkles and fine lines on the skin surface. Deep cleansing of the skin removes all these impending causes. Systemic detoxification is also reflected onto the skin. Taking help of a Charcoal Tablet Detox procedure helps in absorbing the toxins in the body and eliminating it from within.

How to Keep Your Skin Young and Vibrant with Detoxification

2) Restore your natural pH balance

The human body has its composition in such a way that it functions optimally when it is more alkaline rather than acidic. Your skin is naturally acidic and can enhance the existence of harmful bacteria and fungi. The optimal pH level of your skin is 5.5 and anything more or less will have certain harmful effects on the skin. Firstly, the inflammation sets in. It is the common reaction of the body to certain toxic elements the body encounters. Collagen, a critical connective tissue, if not produced correctly can lead to a lot of immature collagen, which makes the skin look shabby and wrinkled, giving your skin an aged appearance. Any impurities within the skin tend to make it more acidic and upset the pH balance in the process. Similarly, hormonal balance is also disturbed.

The combination of both of them causes eventual problems like blockage of the skin pores, leading to the more frequent production of blackheads and acne. The oil production may either increase or decrease, depending on how your body reacts to impurities making your skin look either excessively dry or excessively oily. Once the perfect pH balance is obtained, all these problems won't be faced. In fact, your skin will get additional assistance in dealing with the toxins and impurities. That is what exactly detoxification does. It helps to maintain the pH balance, prevents the harmful effects from taking place, and assists the skin in doing the work it is equipped to do, raising the immunity of the body eventually.

3) Get rid of skin impurities.

As you do your day to day work, go out in pollution, and expose your skin to the sun, your skin attracts a lot of impurities. Moreover, when you are looking to detox your body, you are trying to get rid of the toxins that your body intakes. Your skin is an essential medium of the passage of these impurities, as it tends to come out through the pores, mainly, in the form of sweat. Detoxification is going to assist you in the removal of these toxins as and when they are extruded out and thus you give your skin lesser work to do.

This indirectly helps your skin to function more optimally. By preventing any toxins from accumulating and blocking the pores, you are reducing the chances of you getting inflammation to the skin, which is predisposing for infections, eczema and sometimes psoriasis as well. Thus, this can be attributed to the direct effect of detoxification on your skin.

4) Protecting against cancer

There is no denying the fact that the skin is the most exposed part of your body and is easily vulnerable to all the toxins and impurities it is subjected to. UV rays are one such component that is the leading cause of skin cancer. Due to the increased stress on the environment due to many causes, the protective ozone layer is becoming thinner by the day, and the harmful ultraviolet rays of the Sun are penetrating the atmosphere maximally and causing a lot of issues including cancer.


These rays cause the death of healthy cells and mutate the living ones to activate its oncogenic potential, which results in its rapid and uncontrolled proliferation. Detoxification leads to replenishing all necessary nutrients to the skin, which helps in fighting against the impurities. It also provides antioxidants. These antioxidants trap the free radicals generated and remove one the key cause of cancer. A lot of carcinogenic material is deposited on the skin from the external environment as well. Once detoxification is done, all of them gets removed automatically which lets your skin to fight against disease-causing agents more efficiently.

5) Boost the levels of collagen

Collagen is a primary type of connective tissue that is an integral part of your body structure, including your skin, ligaments, tendons etcetera. Though we have talked about collagen multiple times, the real importance of it has been touched upon at this point. Collagen is responsible for the elastic nature of your skin, which contributes indirectly to its smoothness and young look. You must have noticed that when you pull your skin, it tends to bounce back to its original position. This is due to the abundance of collagen in the skin.

Destruction or less production of it will cause the opposite, leading to loose skin, fine lines, and wrinkles. Taking care of collagen will indirectly take care of the skin. Collagen needs many nutrients, and vitamin A for its synthesis and detoxification provides that to the skin. Even water is an essential factor. All these, when supplied through detoxification, keeps the skin supple and healthy.

6) Clear up your skin

As mentioned above, the skin is prone to a lot of infection and inflammation, and the skin pores have a huge part to play in it. They are the portals between the external environment and what lies beneath your immediate external covering. Not only it is a gateway for the dirt, toxins, impurities, microorganisms from entering the body, but also for the toxins to be eliminated.

Therefore, clearing your skin is an essential step in assisting the detoxification. It lessens the burden on the immunological system. If you had red sores, eczema, blackheads, and acne quite often, cleaning your skin will reduce the frequency and grade of these, and you will notice a healthy and glowing skin in no time.

skin is your largest organ

Author Bio: Charles Alvarez

Charles is a writer for Charcoaltabletdetox , an organization helps people to know about the health benefits of activated charcoal tablets, pills, and powder. Charles is also motivated to inform readers about the benefits and dangers of charcoal tablets.

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