Low-Cost Ways To Stay Fit

Low-Cost Ways To Stay Fit
A lot of us really want to work out.

There’s a need to get out there and get the blood moving. Some of us were former athletes that may not have much time to get that workout in for whatever reason. Fitting fitness into your daily life can not only be a bit of a burden, but it can be expensive.

Gym memberships want you to sign these year-long contracts at hiked up monthly prices. You don’t even know if you’ll be interested in that gym a year from now, but you’re locked into a contract.

On top of that, CrossFit gyms have people on social media doing all sorts of strange and, frankly, ridiculous moves. Fortunately, there are ways to get fit that do not break the bank.

3 of the Lowest Cost Options for Staying Fit All-Year-Round

Here are some low-cost options to stay fit all year round.


There’s a lot of fancy fitness equipment on the market. All of them have super ripped people in the brochure promising that their product will make you look like them. But when it comes to equipment, nothing beats the treadmill. If you think that buying your own treadmill will cost you an arm and a leg, fear not, because you can now find inexpensive treadmills in the market that won’t burn a hole through your wallet. Not only are they absolutely basic but, frankly, they are the most efficient way to get your cardiovascular workout done at home. It’s quick, direct, and often allows you to track time and distance. You can work towards beating your previous goals as well as set new ones.

Gymnastic Rings

If you’ve ever seen a gymnastics event on television, you’d know that the most aesthetically pleasing and strong human forms are that of gymnasts. They look like bodybuilders but with very well proportioned musculature. Achieving this look, as you may have guessed, can only be achieved through mimicking their training. Getting a cheap pair of Olympic Rings and finding a tree that can hold your weight is your first step towards that goal. Practice your pull-up. If you can’t do one, start by jumping into one and slowly lowering yourself. This progress will take time, but it pays off tremendously.


Get a kettlebell you can do ten straight swings with and start from there. It doesn’t matter which weight. From there, work towards doing 10 sets of 10 kettlebell swings with less than 20 seconds rest in between. You're aiming for muscular endurance under momentum-based resistance In doing so, you’ll increase your cardiovascular training as well as your ability to generate force from the hinge movement. There are lots of terms thrown around in the fitness world, “functional” being one. It’s arguable that that’s even a thing (a bicep curl still serves a key human function), but the kettlebell swing, being a full-body movement, is the closest thing to it. If you pair it with Turkish Get Up, you’re bound to feel it in ways that you wouldn’t even expect.

Finding ways to stay fit on the cheap is easy to do. You just need to know where to look and to be a bit creative. You don’t need a gym to get fit. You don’t need to join an expensive fitness class that will have you doing bodyweight movements for $150 a month. You just need a goal, a plan, and maybe a few simple tools. You got this.

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