How to Treat Erectile Dysfunction: 7 Simple Things to Try

How to Treat Erectile Dysfunction: 7 Simple Things to Try
Erectile dysfunction (ED), or impotence, is the inability to gain or maintain a firm enough erection for sex. Having erection difficulties every now and then isn’t a cause for alarm, but if erectile dysfunction is persistent, it can start to affect other aspects of your life.
If you feel that you may be experiencing ED symptoms, talk to your doctor as it could signify another issue.

However, if you’re here because you have confirmation that you have erectile dysfunction, know that there are many things you can do to ease your symptoms or reverse them entirely.

Here are 7 scientifically-backed ways you can treat erectile dysfunction, either temporarily or permanently.

What Causes an Erection?

To understand why the following solutions will help you, you’ll need to understand what causes an erection to happen in the first place. An erection results from an increased blood flow to the penis, which occurs through sexual thoughts or direct stimulation.

When a man is sexually aroused, the muscles in the penis relax to allow for blood flow through the penile arteries.

The penile arteries contain two chambers, which fill up and make the penis grow rigid. When the erection ends, the muscles contract and remove the accumulated blood out of the penile veins.

Common Causes of Erectile Dysfunction

The most common direct causes of erectile dysfunction involve the disruption or blockage of the penile veins, which occur from heart disease, atherosclerosis, high cholesterol, or blood pressure.

Since heart disease is the biggest killer in the United States, over 30 million American men who suffer from erectile dysfunction (1 in 5) should speak to their doctor.

Erectile dysfunction is one of the first signs of heart disease, as plaque will typically clog unnecessary arteries before entering the heart.

Contrary to popular belief, erectile dysfunction does not accompany the natural aging process, although you are more likely to get ED when you get older. This is likely because men are more likely to suffer from the following as they age:

  • Heart disease

  • Atherosclerosis

  • High Cholesterol or High Blood Pressure

  • Obesity

  • Hormone imbalances

  • Stress

  • Kidney Disease

  • Stress, Anxiety, and Depression

  • Parkinson’s Disease

  • Multiple Sclerosis

  • Metabolic Syndrome

  • Peyronie's Disease

  • Sleep Disorders

  • Prostate Cancer

Men may also be at a bigger risk of developing erectile dysfunction if they take certain medications or use drugs, alcohol, or tobacco.

Relationship stress may also be a factor, but this doesn’t imply that they’re the cause of your erectile dysfunction unless they’re physically or mentally abusive. If you’re still attracted to your partner, there’s likely another cause.

7 Erectile Dysfunction Treatments Proven to Work

For most men, erectile dysfunction is manageable, treatable, and curable through lifestyle changes. The first two solutions, medication and penis pumps, offer immediate relief. However, if you want to see a long-term positive effect on your sexual health, you’ll need to fix bad habits.

1. Erectile Dysfunction Medications: Viagra, Cialis, Stendra

If you’ve ever wondered if medication or providers like Hims actually works , you’ll be pleasantly surprised. Medications like Viagra, Cialis, and Stendra are proven to work for most men as long as their heart conditions aren’t too severe.

ED drugs open up the penile veins wider than what the human body can do on its own, simulating an erection that can last for several hours.

2. Use an FDA-Approved Penis Pump and Ring

An FDA-approved penis pump and cock ring can help a man get and retain an erection. However, don’t just go out and buy the first pump you see, especially if they’re advertised for penis enlargement.

Speak to your doctor to ensure you don’t have a blood disorder, a history of blood clots, or take blood-thinning medication. Then, ask for a penis pump prescription.

While you don’t need a pump prescription, getting one can ensure the device you're getting is safe to use for men with erectile dysfunction.

You could actually cause permanent damage to your penis if you don’t get the proper pump or tension ring for your size or condition.

3. Eating a Low-Cholesterol or Plant-Based Diet

It’s common knowledge that cholesterol increases the likelihood of total disease outcomes. However, the studies that prove otherwise use patients that are already heavy consumers of cholesterol (meat, dairy, eggs) and thus, see a minimal change in their cholesterol levels.

When adjusted for risk factors , healthy whole-food plant-based diets are associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease, cardiovascular disease mortality, and all-cause mortality.

At the same time, a recent study confirmed that a higher plant-based diet intake was associated with a reduced presence of ED. This is likely because a plant-based diet is associated with lower disease risk.

Vegetarian diets have also been known to reduce all-cause mortality, but a whole foods plant-based diet seems to lead to better health outcomes overall.

4. Get Enough Adequate Sleep

A lack of sleep can affect every part of a person’s life, including their willingness or ability to have sex. Studies show that men with sleep apnea improved their sexual performance by using a breathing machine at night.

Insomnia, restless leg syndrome, or getting less than 8 hours of sleep per night will leave you in a bad mood, which will significantly affect your sex life.

5. Cardio Exercise and Strengthening the Pelvic Floor

A meta-analysis on the effects of aerobic exercise on erectile dysfunction found that 160 minutes of weekly exercise for 6 months could lead to a decrease in erectile problems.

Since exercise can help men lose weight, it can also ward off problems that occur at a faster rate with a high BMI like diabetes, heart disease, hormone imbalances, stress, and kidney disease.

Men can also perform kegel exercises to strengthen their pelvic floor, but you first need to locate it. To find your pelvic floor, stop and start your urine stream while going to the bathroom. The muscles that tighten are your pelvic floor. Tighten that muscle for 10 sets of 4 each day.

6. Stop Smoking, Drinking, and Doing Drugs

Smoking, drinking, and doing drugs can damage the blood vessels in your penis, impeding blood flow and making it difficult to get an erection.

The best thing to do to prevent this is by quitting all of these vices, but if you can’t, at least quit smoking and recreational drugs. Limit alcohol consumption to 1-3 beers every month or a shot or two of hard liquor each month.

Keep in mind that if you can’t keep an erection while under the influence of drugs and alcohol, that doesn’t mean you have erectile dysfunction. That will only occur through heavy use.

7. Increase Sexual Frequency

It’s true what they say: use it or lose it! Aging men who have sex at least once a week have only half the risk of developing erectile dysfunction than men who perform less often.

The more sex you have, the less ED risk you have, as men who have sex at least three times a week are one-fourth as likely to get ED than their weekly counterparts. Regular sex preserves potency.

Benefits of Sex

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