4 Ways to Help Deal with Teeth Grinding

4 Ways to Help Deal with Teeth Grinding
Grinding your teeth is a prevalent habit in adults, but not everyone knows the dangers of bruxism. Bruxism can lead to pain and discomfort for those that suffer from it, and some people even end up with TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint Disorder).

Luckily there are many ways to manage this condition and help you maintain the highest quality of oral health. This blog post will discuss four ways to manage your teeth grinding habit that will help minimize the damage inflicted on your dental health.

These three ways include:

  • Homeopathic Remedies

  • Bruxism Mouthguard

  • Botox

  • Treatment for Children

Homeopathic Remedies

Homeopathic remedies for bruxism are a form of treatment that relies on natural resources to help reduce symptoms. Homeopathy is based on the theory “life cures life”, which means that substances that can cause symptoms in a healthy person may be able to cure similar symptoms when used by someone who is sick or an infirmity.

A few different homeopathic remedies have been shown to be effective in treating bruxism. These remedies include:

Coffea cruda – This remedy is made from coffee beans and is used to treat teeth grinding caused by anxiety or stress. It helps to calm the nerves and relax the jaw muscles.

Belladonna – This remedy is made from deadly nightshade and is used to treat teeth grinding that is accompanied by a headache, fever, or redness in the face. It helps to reduce inflammation and pain.

Pulsatilla nigra – This remedy is made from an herb called pasque flower and is used to treat teeth grinding that occurs due to boredom or sadness. It can help relieve tension and pain.

Bruxism Mouthguard

A bruxism mouth guard is a custom-made appliance that can be worn to help prevent teeth clenching and grinding. These devices fit over the upper or lower teeth, preventing them from touching each other by creating space between the jawbone and inner surface of your lips (or cheek).

A bruxism mouthguard will work best if it fits well with no gaps in coverage; this means making sure you see an experienced dentist for proper fitting recommendations before purchasing one off the shelf at a pharmacy or drugstore.

The cost of bruxism mouthguards varies depending on where they are purchased from, and their features (how much protection they have), however, these products can range from $50-$300.

Snore-reducing bruxism mouthguards use a patented, breakthrough design to reduce the pressure and impact of teeth grinding while you sleep. The bruxism device reduces noise and vibration because it is made with Thermo-Plastic Elastomer (TPE), which has proven effective in protecting against teeth grinding without compromising comfort or fit.

The mouthguard also features an innovative tongue retaining system that helps keep your airway open through natural breathing movements throughout the night - allowing you to breathe freely all night long!

Botox for Teeth Grinding

Botox for bruxism is a procedure used to prevent teeth grinding. The nerves that control the jaw muscles are weakened by Botox injections, which prevents those muscles from clenching and contracting as they would otherwise do during bruxism episodes. This treatment can also help reduce pain associated with bruxism for some people.

The cost of Botox treatments ranges depending on how much you need (typically between $300-$500 per session). It should be noted, though, that this type of therapy does not change your underlying teeth-grinding behavior; it simply makes it easier to manage on a day-to-day basis.

Treatment for Children

If your child is grinding their teeth either during the day or at night, don’t worry! Teeth grinding in children is an entirely normal habit due to the rapid rate of tooth and jaw growth. Therefore, their grinding habit is simply them trying to find a comfortable place for their teeth.

If you’re worried that your child is excessively grinding their teeth, visit your local dentist for an initial consultation. The dentist may prescribe a bruxism mouthguard, which will help minimize the damage on your child’s teeth until they grow out of the condition.

To Summarize

There are many different ways to manage your teeth grinding habit that can help meet your budget and needs. The most important thing is to regularly see your dentist to ensure no progressive damage is inflicted on your teeth or jaw.

Managing your bruxism is an essential first step to maintaining the quality of your smile for many years to come!

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