Sunday Funday CrossFit Throwdown with friends

Sunday Funday CrossFit Throwdown with friends
Sunday Fundays are one of my favorite days of the week!  Seriously.  A group of very motivated, energetic and positive people getting together to " throw down " CrossFit style can never be bad.  Some of the transformations I have witnessed since the groups start back in February are mind-blowing.  Lean muscle mass gained, body fat lost, improved mobility all around, but even more noticeable is confidence that everyone exudes.  Some of my closest friends are part of the Sunday Throwdown community and the culture we've created is nothing less than AWESOME!  Big shout out to my "Sunday Funday" family, I thank you for everything you do and that you bring it every week.

Note:  I have a complete photo album from Sunday's workout posted on the Moose is Loose page on Facebook, check it out here

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Sunday's WOD:  8 & 9 am sessions

Teams of 2 complete the following for time

  • 50 ft Prowler runs x 1 per teammate; next station,

  • 10 burpees, 5 per person; next station,

  • 20 pullups, 10 per person, next station,

  • 30 box jumps (20/24), 15 per person; next station,

  • 40 wall-balls (20/12), 20 per person; next station,

  • 50 x push presses (35/75), 25 per person, next station,

  • 50ft sand bag carry x 2 (per person);

  • 200 double unders as a team, DONE!

10am "Fire Breathers" WOD, teams of 2 for time

[caption id="attachment_6095" align="alignright" width="432" caption="Pauly and me..."] [/caption]

For the fire-breathers, rather than splitting up the above, each person on the team must complete all the work before they can move on to the next station.  Only one person can be completing a movement at a time, so a bit of strategy needs to be used to keep the times low.  Note, one of the few differences is that each person must complete 2 x 50 ft prowler runs at the start... now that's spicy!

I was unfortunately the odd one out so did the WOD solo in 14:17... thanks Pauly for standing on the sled for me!

Here's a few videos from the Sunday Throwdown...

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