The 11 Best Reasons for Adopting a Ketogenic Lifestyle

The 11 Best Reasons for Adopting a Ketogenic Lifestyle
The ketogenic diet is taking over 2018, and with good reason.

After making waves in 2017 for its weight loss, neuroprotective, and anti-inflammatory benefits, it’s now one of the most popular low-carb, high-fat diets in the health space.

The rise in popularity of the ketogenic diet comes in part thanks to the fat revolution, supported by prominent integrative medicine providers like Dr. Mark Hyman, Dr. Anna Cabeca , and Dr. David Perlmutter.


Keto works by fueling your body with ketones from fat instead of glucose from carbohydrates. Ketones are energy molecules several times more efficient than glucose, so they give you a metabolic edge. This state of using ketones for energy is called ketosis.

The ketogenic diet is not by any means new - it was invented in the 1920s to treat epileptic children- but now there’s plenty of research showing its potential to transform many areas of our well-being, including metabolic health, brain health, hormone balance, heart health, energy, and mental health.

I started eating a high-fat, low-carb diet in graduate school, in an attempt to treat my lack of mobility, body aches, mental fog and to remain lean without having to overwork myself in the gym.

Not-so-surprisingly, it worked. I then transitioned to a ketogenic diet to maximize the benefits of ketosis and I haven’t looked back since.

As a functional medicine provider and sports chiropractor, I recommend the ketogenic diet to many of my patients who are trying to correct weight and metabolic issues they’ve struggled with for years, and they all come back with impressive results, not only in weight loss, but also in energy, mental clarity, and physical performance.

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Here’s why I recommend you try a ketogenic diet to manage your weight and increase overall well-being...

11 Reasons Why You Should Eat a Ketogenic Diet

#1 - Bursting Energy Levels

The ketogenic diet supports your energy in two ways: higher energy production and stabilized blood sugar.

Ketones produce more ATP (the energy molecule) than glucose, so you have more energy to get through the day. Unlike glucose, ketones don’t spike your blood sugar levels, so you never have to experience energy crashes.

You can think of ketones as an efficient alternative fuel that gives you more energy but none of the side effects of glucose.

You also have a lot of stored energy in the form of body fat that you can tap into at any time for energy. Your body is not efficient at storing carbohydrates for use, which is why you get hungry every 60-90 minutes when you’re eating carbs.

#2 - Higher Sex Drive

Not feeling in the mood? The ketogenic diet can help balance your hormones and increase your libido. Dietary fat, particularly polyunsaturated ones like salmon, walnuts, chia seeds, tuna, and avocado increase testosterone levels in healthy women and prevent ovulation dysfunction.

[caption id="attachment_19029" align="aligncenter" width="335"]Sex Fact It Burns CaloriesA benefit of Sex? It burns Calories![/caption]

Testosterone isn’t just for men. It’s one of the hormones in charge of increasing sexual desire, libido, and orgasmic function in both sexes.

#3 - Enhanced Metabolism

A balanced metabolism is crucial for optimal health and disease prevention.

Medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs)- an abundant fat in the ketogenic diet - have powerful calorie and fat-burning effects that give your metabolism a serious boost.

The ketogenic diet as a whole protects your metabolism by increasing insulin sensitivity, stabilizing and lowering blood sugar, improving body composition, lowering total cholesterol and triglycerides, and increasing the ratio of good cholesterol (HDL) to bad cholesterol (LDL).

#4 - Faster Weight Loss

The most popular benefit of the ketogenic diet is fast and sustained weight loss.

The reason is simple: while excess carbohydrates get turned into fats by the liver for storage, dietary fats are processed more efficiently and used for immediate energy. The old myth that fat on your plate translates to fat in your belly has been widely disproven.


Patients on a ketogenic diet have experienced significant reductions in body weight, fat mass, and waist circumference.

#5 - No More Cravings or Hunger

One of the reasons keto helps with weight loss is fat’s ability to reduce hunger, increase satiety, and banish cravings. People on a ketogenic diet report feeling less hungry than those on low-fat diets and they also have fewer cravings for sugary foods and fast food.

On traditional weight loss diets you feel deprived, moody, and hungry, but on keto you can lose weight without the hunger because fat and protein are extremely filling and high in calories.

#6 - Improved Brain Function

Ketosis can help you achieve mental clarity and focus.

Ketones provide up to 70% of your brain’s energy needs more efficiently than glucose and flush out a neurotransmitter called glutamate, which can cause neuronal damage if left unchecked.

Fats, in general, are vital for brain health. For instance, om, in general, acids are important for cognitive function and neuronal plasticity, while medium-chain fatty acids help to preserve brain function.

#7 - Healing Sleep

Thanks to the metabolic, hormonal, and brain health benefits, it’s no surprise the ketogenic diet can also improve your sleep.

Studies find that in healthy sleepers, a ketogenic diet increases the amount of time they stay in the deep sleep stage 4 - the stage in which your muscles and tissues repair, grow, and develop.

sleepy time

#8 - Happier Mood

If your mood is often out of whack, a ketogenic diet may be worth a try.

It has mood-stabilizing effects because it does two important things in your body: it reduces high sodium levels (which are associated with mood disorders) and boosts your metabolism ( a slow metabolism is associated with depression ).

Studies find that women with Bipolar Disorder experience a better mood on the ketogenic diet.

#9 - Quicker Results At The Gym

Whether you’re obsessed with running, love lifting heavy things, or swear by CrossFit , following a ketogenic diet can give you that extra push you need to hit your fitness goals.

Multiple studies have confirmed that ketosis can skyrocket fat burning, increase oxygen uptake , and help your body use energy more efficiently.

Side view of a fit young woman doing leg presses in the gym

#10 - Reduced Inflammation

Ketosis helps to kill inflammatory mechanisms in your cells. Inflammation is one of the worst underlying causes of conditions like arthritis, cancer, and Alzheimer’s, and it contributes to pain in muscles, joints, and bones.

Lowering inflammation through nutrition can help you manage your pain without relying on meds.

#11 - A Longer And Healthier Life

We’ve known for a while that optimizing your mitochondria is one of the keys to longevity.

The carb restriction of the ketogenic diet contributes to better mitochondrial function , higher antioxidant effects, and neuroprotective effects, which all lead to a higher-quality and longer life.

So, in conclusion...

If you want to try the ketogenic diet, begin under a doctor’s supervision. It can be difficult to go through the initial adaptation period and you want help in avoiding common mistakes keto beginners make. The many benefits of the ketogenic diet are backed by years of solid research, so if you choose to try it out you’ll be on the right track to better health.



Author bio:

Sarah is the Content Director at Perfect Keto , with a mission to help as many people as possible achieve optimal health and well-being. Also, be sure to connect with them on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/perfectketones/ and check out their Facebook group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/perfectketocommunity

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