A 20-minute visit from Cindy

A 20-minute visit from Cindy
An oldie but a goodie today at Crossfit Vancouver - Cindy.  An original Girl WOD, "Cindy", is a classic first time WOD for baseline testing of beginners and is still challenging for the advanced CrossFitters alike.  I haven't done Cindy for about 18-months (last time was January 2010 ) when I gave Cindy a go with strict pull-ups instead of using a kip.  That was brutal and I only eked out 11 rounds.  Today was the full meal-deal... Cindy as Rx'd.


  • Tabata Planks (only 3 points touching the ground);

  • Tabata Russian twists with 20kg kettlebell (my lowest scoring round was 9 reps).

Technique:  Broad jumps

Note that we were doing 2-foot take off from a standstill.  My longest attempt was 103" inches.

WOD:  Cindy (20 minute As Many Rounds As Possible - AMRAP)

  • 5 x pull-ups;

  • 10 x push-ups;

  • 15 x air squats.

My total today was 20 Rounds plus 12 reps.  A new PR!  I'll take that one...
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