50 Ways To Get Out of Bed for a Morning Workout

50 Ways To Get Out of Bed for a Morning Workout
Working out in the morning may seem unappealing at first, but once you get yourself into the routine, you won’t want to break the habit !

break bad habits, build good habits - motivational reminder on colorful sticky notes - self-development concept

Morning exercise can help boost your metabolism for the rest of the day as well as increase serotonin levels for the mind, which will leave you feeling happier and more focused throughout the day.

So here are some ways you can ease yourself into a morning workout routine that will help you lead a healthier and more productive lifestyle.

[tweet_box inject="#MotivationalQuote" design="box_12"]"We become what we repeatedly do." β€• Steven Covey[/tweet_box]

6 Ways You Can Ease Yourself into a Morning Workout Routine

The Night Before

Prepare your breakfast or smoothies the night before and avoid caffeine , alcohol, or high-fat foods that can make you feel sluggish after some time. Also, keep a bottle of water by your bed to re-hydrate yourself as soon as you wake up.

Alarm Hacks

[caption id="attachment_18833" align="aligncenter" width="350"]Wake Up! Beat the alarmStep 1 to establishing a morning routine... WAKE UP![/caption]

You can use an alarm to ease yourself into an early morning routine. If you usually get up at 7 am but want to aim for a 6 am start, gradually work yourself down by starting your alarm at 0655 on the first day, then 0650 the next day, and so on. Leaving your alarm clock on the other side of the bedroom can also spur you into action.

Getting up

You can start your warm-up with some stretches as soon as you wake up - be sure to stretch so you can minimize those aches and pains during the day that might put you off going back! Wash your face with cold water to reawaken your senses and if you’re a music fan, create a high-energy, motivating playlist to play while you get ready.


[caption id="attachment_18842" align="aligncenter" width="310"]Morning Power Smoothie - Green MachinePower up your morning with a green smoothie[/caption]

A pre-made green smoothie is a perfect energy boost, or a banana if you are low on time. Gluten-free bread topped with protein-rich food such as eggs and almond butter, as well as the avocado will also give you the fuel boost you need.


Relaxation and meditation apps are great for aiding sleep, so if your mind is running askew, put on some soothing sounds and focus on them. MyFitnessPal is a good app for tracking calories you eat and burn at the gym. Also, check-in at the gym on Facebook for a satisfying social media boost!


If you’re not a fan of machinery, but you do have a dog, use them as perfect motivation to get up in the morning for some cardio-filled fun! Change up your morning routine to keep every muscle group working and also to help avoid any monotony. It’s also important to keep your bedroom stress-free by leaving work and TV to other areas of the house. This will help your mind associate the bedroom with relaxation only for a better night’s sleep.

50 Ways to Get out of Bed for a Morning Workout - the Ultimate Infographic

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