7 Ways to Stay Fit Together as a Family

7 Ways to Stay Fit Together as a Family
When it comes to family activities, many things are done together, whether it is watching a favorite TV show, going out to eat, or some other family activity.

What is sometimes overlooked or not placed as a high priority is family fitness together?  Each member of the family is usually left to do whatever they want when it comes to exercising, and so on.

In some cases, this works well, but coming up with a family fitness plan is also a great option. As you will see from this article, it isn't going to be all running, burpees , etc., either. Most of these ways to stay fit are not going to feel like working out because they will be so much fun.

So regardless of where you fall on the spectrum of fitness, use these seven ways to stay fit together as a family to provide inspiration and good fitness habits. Before you know it, you will be enjoying staying active, eating healthier, and living a more full life.

#1. Go to the Park

A local park is an excellent way to have fun while being active. Whether it is running around playing tag, throwing the frisbee, or really, whatever you can think of. The more you can have fun with it and get moving, the more you will be able to work on your fitness. If you do it right, you will be focused on having fun, and it won't feel like fitness at all.

To make it even more fun, invite some friends with kids to come out and join you. Before you know it, you will have a big group and will be able to play any games that you can come up with.

#2. Play Sports

This could be done at the park, backyard, gym, or anywhere you have space , but playing sports is an excellent way to stay fit. Whether it is shooting hoops in the driveway, throwing the football, or kicking the soccer ball around, there are so many options. And, you don't have to be a professional athlete to do it either. Regardless of skill level, get out there and have fun with it.

When you do play a sport, make sure that it has a fitness aspect to it. For example, you probably won't get very much out of standing around playing catch with a football. But, if you are running around, running routes, or playing a game, you will get a lot more out of it.

What works really well is playing sports in the park with a group of people. So maybe think about combining playing sports and going to the park. Before you know it, you will have something fun to do each week and a way to not only get in better shape but also to do life together.

#3. Train for a 5K

Running a 5K might not seem like the most appealing thing to do, but you have to remember that you can run it at your own pace. This is one of the reasons why this is such a great family fitness activity. Whether you want to walk , jog, or try to beat your personal best, you have the options.

The other reason it is such a good activity is that it gives you something to train for. In building up to running your 5K , you will be able to all run or walk as a family and know that you are preparing for something. Sometimes it can be challenging to find the motivation to run, but this will give you one.

The last reason why running a 5K is fun to do as a family is that most of them come with a lot of fanfare and other activities. Most are an event in themselves with shirts, sponsors, and food and drink in some cases afterward. All of this will make the difficulty of running the 5K worth it and keep it fun.

#4. Family Workout

You don't have to be an expert to come up with your own family workout. Get online and do a little research, and you will be able to find exactly what you are looking for. There are plenty of great fitness websites with the information you need, it is up to you, though, to take advantage of it.

health is the greatest wealth - family fitness quote

Just make sure that you are customizing the workout to your family's needs. Set it up so that it is challenging, but also fun. And, make sure that whether it is bodyweight exercises or something else, that way you can adjust the difficulty of each exercise. That way, everyone will be able to work out at their own pace.

Also, when doing your family workouts, make sure to keep things fun and fresh. The more you can mix up the exercises and keep things fun with different challenges, the more it will feel like a game rather than a workout.

#5. Make Up a Game to Play

If playing organized sports aren't your thing, or maybe you just want to mix it up, make up a game. Go out in the backyard or to the park and let your creative game juices flow. It could be some kind of hybrid game or one that was made up on the spot.

Either way, get out there, get active, and have a ton of fun. As with all of these keys, the more fun you are having with it, the less you will focus on the fitness aspect.

#6. Healthy Meals and Snacks

Being more active is a great start to being more fit as a family. What is equally important, though, is what goes on the dinner table and is eaten throughout the day. The more you can fuel your body with the right things to eat, the more energy you will have, and the more results you will see.

Don't panic, though. I am not talking about a complete overhaul of everything in your kitchen. But as you are reading this, I am sure you are already thinking of foods that you could be cutting out. A lot of the time, it is more about knowing healthier alternatives.

For example, instead of grabbing a bag of chips, make a healthy snack or fruit smoothie for yourself. With the right information, you will not only be able to eat healthier, but you will also be able to enjoy it.

#7. Have Fun With It

This has already been mentioned several times throughout the different points, but it really is the key to it all. If you feel like it is a chore to do something, you won't want to do it. On the flip side, if it is fun, it is going to be something that is looked forward to, even if it is challenging at points.

This goes for more than just the physical side of things as well. It is critical that you are also having fun with new food choices. The more you can have fun snacks and healthy meals, the easier it will be to forget about some of those other less healthy dishes. It all starts with your mindset, though. So have fun with it!

7 Ways to Stay Fit Together as a Family Conclusion

Living a healthier and more active lifestyle is not a form of punishment or some chore. Yes, it may take some getting used to, but it will open up a whole new world of activity, energy, and fun. Before you know it, you will be pressing forward on the path of living a healthier lifestyle.

Working on being fit together as a family will also open up more bonding opportunities for your family.

Every time you go to the park, play a sport or do a family workout , you build memories and are able to do life together.

This is what it is all about. And, maybe most importantly, you will teach your kids how to build healthy habits that they can use for the rest of their life.

[box type="bio"]  This article was written by Kyle Ohman, the co-founder of BasketballHQ.com and ListsForAll.com. Along with playing sports and being active, Kyle enjoys writing and being a part of the fitness community. [/box]

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